Will There Be Cake?

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Writing the opening post for The Musings section of WTBC, has coincided with my trip to California to visit family, (because California is home) and to participate in and speak at Alt Oasis.

I don’t know if artists and other creatives have the same type of issues, or if the way I do things is just unique to me and my quirky personality, but I have come to the realization that I don’t make things easy for myself and inspiration seems to strike the hardest when I have a million other things going on that require my attention. 

If I have nothing to do, there are usually no creative juices flowing. But if  have a presentation, need to pack, family obligations, household projects, all of a sudden, the great ideas to rebrand, move in a different direction or grow my brand suddenly start flooding in and taking over. 

Where were all of those muses when I sat day after day blocked and frustrated?

The lesson:

Movement creates movement. 

Now, today, the day before it all starts,

I’m working feverishly, harnessing ideas that would not flow even a week ago to make this space a space where the new people that I meet this week will want to come to be inspired, to find common ground, and to hopefully benefit from what I’m trying to offer the world. 

while also mentally planning the presentation in 3 days, 

while worrying about my dog,

while visiting family,

while being perpetually stuck in traffic

while enduring the discomfort of hotel life

while obsessing on what outfits to wear

what I’ll eat

how much money I’m spending

And on and on and on.

I could have done this from the comfort of my own home, my own coffee shop, for a whole lot less money.

..or maybe not.

..because if I could have, I would have.

I realize

Sitting and waiting for inspiration is futile.

I wish I knew before.

…I know now.

And so it goes

One of these days my ability to control my creative flow will mature and I will be able to tap

into my creative intuition at will without all of the mental clutter and disorganization that plagues me today. 

Stay tuned cause I know for sure

It’s gonna be good.