After Alt Summit
This past weekend was all about getting my bearings after an amazing Alt Summit last week. (March 21-28)
Alt Summit, if you don’t know is the best creator/entrepreneur conference. It is set in lovely Palm Springs, California and some of the most talented and creative women were in attendance.
(Yes it took me an entire week and weekend to recover…lol).
I wouldn’t say that I connected with a whole lot of people and yet I’m still drained. I can’t imagine what it would have been like if I was one of those people who could strike up conversation that easily
I did learn a whole lot and I also added quite a few new people that I am stalking:
Speaker, Jennifer Bridgeforth spoke about Imposter Syndrome.
Artist, Boni Dutch
Sandra Clark Jergensen from the The Kitchen Natural
Rebekah Epstein from Fifteen Media talked about How to Be Your Own Publicist
Carly Morgan on Content Planning at Historicish
To name just a few.
I celebrated my birthday at Alt Summit on Tuesday the 26th. I wore a purple flower crown to signify my birthday and the fact that it was Purple Day for Epilepsy Awareness.
My birthday was Tuesday and I spoke the next day, on Wednesday.
There were about 15 people at my presentation Elevate Your Selfie, which was cool. It went really well.
It was the end of a brand era for me. The whole Onibella, Fab Mrsk, “all about me brand” and the introduction to my whole new direction here on Will There Be Cake?
I do plan on doing a blog post about elevating your selfies as an empowerment tool for your brand because I do believe in the concept. I may do a video on it someday as well. But it is really nice to talk about other ways of being productive and sharing a little bit of my personal experiences without feeling as if I must push for subscribers, followers or whatever. I love talking about organic content that doesn’t require me to be constantly “performing”, because honestly that is what I felt was if I was doing.
Way to digress!!
So so good!
After my presentation, I did what any self respecting Cali Girl would do. I had an In ‘N Out Double Double Animal Style.
And the angels sang
I spent this past weekend working,
working on re-working the budget for my family which...yeah....let’s move on.
I have also been strategizing content for this site.
Another major task, but beats working on the budget any day.
I have been trying to be thoughtful as I create this brand.
I mean, what do you want to see, what do you want to learn?
Should I add video? Podcasting?
Will I ever have time for Instagram stories?
And then there is the whole, “now that I’m posting on IG so why are my followers going down” mode.
#algorithmwoes. (Guess who needed help spelling
Aye aye aye!
Bottom line, Alt presented me with a lot of info.
…and rebranding is overwhelming.
That is just my work-life and budget.
I still have to tackle getting my house organized,
getting more fit and eating right,
deciding wether or not to have a breast reduction,
planning mandatory travel and hopefully saving enough for an amazing vacation this year.
Because I’m now spoiled.
Yep, it’s definitely a Monday, but I can honestly say, I’m glad to see it.
Things could be so much worse.
I know I’ll figure it out
…and if I don’t.
In the end I still feel grateful for the opportunity to try.
Check out these photos from Alt if you like,
and have a great week!